Because each life has value.
Hope and help for the world’s most vulnerable.
Each, Inc. is a worldwide network that meets the emergency and long-term needs of refugees and the world’s most vulnerable through on-the-ground, one-to-one care.
We’re delivering hope and help to those who need it most — when they need it most. Because each life has value/has worth/is worth it.
Many educational materials in local languages are often out of date. We work with school leaders and publishers to ensure that students have access to current textbooks that are age appropriate and written in their primary language.
Religious violence is on the rise. In fact, over 245 million men, women, and children are being harmed or harassed right now because of their beliefs or matters of conscience. And over 80% of refugees have fled their homeland to escape religious persecution.
And the one thing vulnerable people and refugees need most is hope.
Each, Inc. was founded in 2018 to deliver hope and help to the world’s most at-risk people groups. And while we’ve served thousands of individuals to date, our work is far from done.
IDENTIFY: Our field teams meet with each at-risk individual to hear their stories, assess their urgent needs, and prioritize their cases.
SUPPORT: We then provide holistic support tailored to each individual’s practical needs — from safe housing to trauma counseling and more.
EMPOWER: Our goal is to build long-term relationships with each vulnerable individual that allows them to flourish — even in hostile regions.
Since 2018, we’ve seen a massive impact in each of the 15 countries we work in around the world.

Feel free to contact us with any questions.